Как одеваются нью-йоркские хипстеры: фото безумных и крутых образов

Как одеваются нью-йоркские хипстеры: фото безумных и крутых образов
фото показано с : 24tv.ua

2020-11-9 22:32

Каждое утро большинство из нас открывает шкаф и смотрит на Эверест из вещей. Закрывает шкаф, заваривает кофе, снова возвращается. 10 минут ведутся раскопки, и потом раздается коронная фраза – "Мне нечего надеть!".

В сети можно найти множество советов, которые выручат в любой ситуации и станут спасителями при подборе образов по утрам. Но есть люди, которым эти советы совсем не нужны. Авторы страницы в инстаграме Hipsters Of New York публикуют фотографии нью-йоркских представителей хипстеров, и если представить смесь безумия, пафоса и стиля бабули – то именно так они одеваются.

Возможно, на Парижской или Нью-Йоркской Неделе моды все это выглядело бы довольно логично. Но при всей чудаковатости подобных образов выглядят они сочно и вкусно. Зацените сами!

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Girbaud, 52 - Has a collection of overcoats to match the various stages of an avocados life cycle. Expert Avocado Carving Designer. "I've been carving various foods since the age of 5. It wasn't until I was in my teens when inspiration truly struck and I found my muse in the form of an avocado. The process of transforming an avocado’s soft flesh into an elegant seal surrounding the pit is the truest form of artistic expression. " His work can be seen anywhere an avocado toast is served. "I believe art should be consumed. LITERALLY. " . . . : @tommarazzi

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 3 Лис 2020 р. о 9:21 PST

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Alister, 25 - Is a Barista at a fourth wave artisanal coffee shop in Bushwick. His "vintage Guatemalan Rucksack" is filled with locally sourced, artisanal, eco-chic mustache wax. Currently foraging shrubberies specifically indigenous to the Gowanus canal to build his own bamboo fixed geared bicycle. “I got the idea while reading the latest weekly neighborhood newsletter. It’s printed on recycled paper made out of Trader Joe’s circulars so it’s 100% sustainable. ” Stores his favorite mason jar under his hat. Before you ask, "Its a satchel, not a purse!"

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 26 Жов 2020 р. о 9:53 PDT

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Ptolomey, 33 - “Ugh, obviously this is an art piece dictating how clothes make the gender neutral individual. I get my inspiration from everywhere! This piece specifically was from a vision that came to me during an intense mushroom meditation trip I took last month, in a secluded alley behind my favorite Muji location. Once I opened my mind's eye and achieved enlightenment, this outfit is the first thing that revealed itself to me. I make sure to only use materials that are either sustainable or recycled. This entire outfit for instance was salvaged from an abandoned Soul Cycle location and remnants of my great grandmother's wardrobe. " . . . : @thebrainworms

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 20 Жов 2020 р. о 9:02 PDT

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Zoied out of discarded tablecloths I found in Prospect Park and it gives me the comfort and support I need, without being wasteful. I mean I went to Coachella last year so I clearly care about the environment!" Drives a Prius with a bumper sticker that says "my other car also saves the environment. " Sells hand-sewn birdcage wall decals, available in either Helvetica or ironic Comic Sans outside the Doc Martens store on Bedford Ave.

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 11 Жов 2020 р. о 9:40 PDT

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An does not deserve it! Shut it down!” . . . : @lady. marigold : @shmemmma

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 1 Жов 2020 р. о 9:29 PDT

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Splid, 34 - Only listens to Sigur Rking Yerba mate when half of your face is covered?!” Actively looking for people to form a band that will never play music so no one will ever have heard of them aside from themselves. . . . : @greenpointers

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 21 Вер 2020 р. о 9:52 PDT

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Anders, combined past life age of 327 years old - Worked as an intern on a gluten farm four years ago which inspired him to start his own heirloom tomato farm in his closet. "Buying vegetables from grocery stores is just paying for reasonably priced poison. " “My style can best be described as “Sentient Gum Ball Machine”. I’m all about vibrant colors that harken back to the candy stores of our youth. ” Currently giving up eating avocado toast's so he can save up enough money to buy a house. Can be found near the Williamsburg bridge selling handmade underground dream catchers, assembled using paper scraps salvaged from the notebooks of obscure beat poets. . . . This photo was taken B. C. (Before Coronavirus)

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 25 Сер 2020 р. о 8:09 PDT

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Jardon, 57 - Leader of the seldom heard movement "Make America Great Britain Again". Gets his clothes from a thrift shop so exclusive it can only be found in LMFAO’s closet. Is an avid collector of vintage monopoly money. Owns and operates an artisanal latte foam company out of his suitcase. "I'll admit, I was a hipster once. But that was before "being hipster" was cool. Now, I refuse to bow to the pressure of societal norms. Anyways, I’m in a huge rush! It’s almost noon and I haven’t had my daily venti soy mocha latte. "

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 17 Сер 2020 р. о 8:31 PDT

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Harlan, and Westage 27 - Seen here debating the style choices used at last years #metgala. "Fashion shouldn't be dictated by any one industry. Whatever happened to hand tailored clothing? No one is unique anymore! Everything we're wearing has been stitched together using old Christmas quilts and upcycled lawn ornaments. This top hat? Made out of discarded vinyl record sleeves and 1950's Tupperware. " When they aren't busy protesting the MET Gala, they perform in a theater troupe depicting classic Broadway shows from the perspective of an audience member that was scared awake from intermission ending.

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 11 Сер 2020 р. о 8:04 PDT

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Gulliver, 31 - "I'm silently protesting the fashion industry. Clothes shouldn't be delegated to anyone gender, I believe clothes are gender fluid. I'm tired of the ridiculous standards the fashion industry sets on men and woman, hence the vintage ancestral Scottish heritage wrap. I guess you can call it a kilt, but I spent a few hours in Scotland 5 years ago on a layover so I think I know the correct terminology. " When he's not being a "social activist" he runs a thrift shop selling steam punk mustache wreaths, made out of duct tape and deconstructed first generation iPads. . . . : @garrrche

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 23 Лип 2020 р. о 8:55 PDT

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Augor, 24 - Recently launched his new fashion line titled “Amish You”, taking style cues from Pennsylvania circa 1693. “They say fashion is cyclical, I believe it’s time this looks made a comeback! This is clearly a modern, progressive take on Amish fashion. I’ve designed it so all clothes in this fashion line are gender fluid. The different shows obviously represent the dichotomy of being a human. Go be the milk man/maiden you want to be! It doesn’t go without saying that all of our clothing is made out of recyclable material. This sweater for instance was sewn out of fur that was shed naturally from my neighborhoods cats. It took 6 years to gather enough fur but it was worth it. And our prices will make you say “CHURN DOWN FOR WHAT?!” . . . : @_teamavni_

Допис, поширений Hipsters Of New York (@hipsters_of_ny) 2 Лип 2020 р. о 5:46 PDT


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