Самые смешные мемы недели: чумовой Путин, кроличий вождь Пушилин, алкогольная Россия

Самые смешные мемы недели: чумовой Путин, кроличий вождь Пушилин, алкогольная Россия
фото показано с : 24tv.ua

2018-9-24 20:03

Прошедшая неделя, как всегда, порадовала многими интересными событиями, которые активно обсуждали в сети. Потому, героями мемов стали президент России Владимир Путин, временный глава фейкового псевдообразования на Донетчине Денис Пушилин и нетрезвая Россия.

Путин снова взорвал сеть

Сначала пристыдили "сверхмогущественного" хозяина Кремля журналисты издания Times, которые поместили его на обложку рядом с американским лидером Дональдом Трампом, российским олигархом Виктором Вексельбергом и американским политтехнологом Полом Манафортом.

Заметим, что всех вышеупомянутых персон изобразили в виде матрешек, самой большой из которых оказалась фигурка Трампа. Несколько меньшими вышли игрушки-портреты Вексельберга и Манафорта. Зато Путин стал самой маленькой матрешкой внутри других игрушек.

Добавим, что главной темой номера стали взаимоотношения Москвы и Вашингтона во время президентских выборов в США в 2016 году.

"Все люди царя. Как олигархи Путина вошли в команду Трампа", – написано на обложке TIME.

Матрешка-Путин на обложке журнала Time

Также российский лидер попал в неловкую ситуацию во время Евразийского женского форума, и, казалось бы, ничего в этом нет – Путин в окружении женщин, однако политолог Алексей Голобуцкий сравнил его с Гитлером.

Кроме того, пользователи, комментируя фотографии с этого мероприятия, в который раз вспомнили о малом росте Путина.

Оккупант Донетчины Пушилин и его кролики

Новый глава так называемой "ДНР" Денис Пушилин – уже сам собой является неоднозначным фактом. Однако, его визит на кролеферму в оккупированной Макеевке еще больше подогрел пользователей сети.

К примеру, один из юзеров посмеялся, что ранее псевдореспублику возглавлял "курмаршал" Александр Захарченко (намекая, что в "карьере" боевика тот занимался продажей курятины), а теперь – "кролмаршал" Денис Пушилин.

"Это вам не захаровские куры. "ДонКрол" надеется, что Денис Владимирович лично поможет им в увеличении поголовья кроликов", – заметил Necro Mancer.

Протрезвеет Россия, будет беда

Российские депутаты ради здоровья наци и наведения порядка в алкогольной отрасли планируют ввести "сухой закон". В частности, с таким предложением к министру здравоохранения РФ обратился скандальный депутат Госдумы России Виталий Милонов.

Как утверждает политик, такой шаг изменит систему розничной продажи алкоголя и рекламу алкогольных продуктов. Он также отмечает, что необходимо утвердить стратегию борьбы с алкоголизацией населения.

По словам Милонова, стоит прибегать к "безжалостным" мерам, поскольку за последние 25 лет уровень потребления алкоголя в России вырос в несколько раз. Отдельной проблемой депутат считает алкоголизм среди детей.

Конечно, на такую инициативу скандального политика бурно отреагировали в сети.

"Нельзя – протрезвеют, беда будет", – иронично отмечают пользователи.

Некоторые же предложили скандальному депутату перестать употреблять алкоголь во время рабочего дня или же обратиться к психотерапевту.

"Секс, город и мужик"

33-летний американец Дэн Клей в социальных сетях прославивився тем, что пародирует стиль главной героини сериала "Секс и город" Керри Брэдшоу.

Заметим, что сообразительный пародист работает консультантом по стратегии и инновациям в одной из компаний Нью-Йорка, правда одновременно является давним поклонником ленты. Кроме того, он живет недалеко от того места, где по сюжету снимала квартиру Керри, поэтому свои забавные фотосессии часто устраивает прямо на ее улице по адресу 68 Perry Street West Village.

Добавим, что на мужчину в Instagram подписана также сама Сара Джессика Паркер, которая собственно и сыграла Брэдшоу. Актриса даже иногда комментирует его коллажи, которые Дэн сопровождает цитатой из любимого сериала.

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Meanwhile back in Manhattan, I was heading to a midtown brunch to debut a midriff top. As I waited to be picked up, I started thinking: On the road to love, some of us are stuck on the sidewalk. Single. But that doesn't have to be sad. When life gives you “meh,” make a-meh-zing. When life gives you crap plaid, make a crop top. And when life gives you "single," make it sensational. I couldn't help but wonder: Is being single the new summer vacation? Hot, steamy, fun and free from responsibility? And in the age of 10,000 Netflix options and a ZipCar on every corner, could singledom—with all its choice, freedom and flexibility—be the ultimate status symbol? After all. . . Not all Dorothies are lost. Who needs a Tin Man when you have Tom Ford and the Wizard of Ozcar de la Renta? Some Dorothies are just happy explorers in sparkly slippers, skipping from brick to brick with courage, heart and brains. Single by fate. Sexy by nature. Smiling by choice. #CarrieDragshaw

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Jun 1, 2017 at 5:00am PDT

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MARC X DRAGSHAW (Part 2 / 3) Meanwhile across town, I was testing my theory that wearing flowers makes you flourish. In your Marc, get set, go. Still, I couldn't help but wonder: Could I ever bloom from a Poppy to a Delevingne? Or, on the road to runway model, would I break down at highway hooker? Maybe change is like a man: if it’s going to be good, at some point it’s got to be hard. And maybe life is like a photo shoot. It's full of mistakes and bad angles, but as soon as you see yourself in the right light, you start to feel fabulous. . . . . to be continued #CarrieDragshaw ———————— TODAY ONLY 2-For-1 SPECthe grand finale & my favorite one!!!

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Apr 19, 2018 at 5:00am PDT

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A wise poet once said, “All the world’s a stage. ” Maybe that’s why there’s so much drama. As I strolled around the kingdom of Manhattan—a drag queen dressed like a prom queen acting like a drama queen—I started thinking about royalty. In medieval times, rulers would wage war over petty jealousies and slight provocations. Were modern times really any different? Our screens exploded with screaming matches and Twitter clapbacks and backstabbing frenemies. Somewhere, it seemed, we decided that having a complicated life makes you more interesting. Having haters makes you important. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder: Are some fights better left unfought? Sure, mountains over mole hills makes for high-ratings reality TV, but maybe actual reality is better if you just flow with it. Maybe the new kings in the court of emotions could be kindness and humility. In modern-day New York, one of the most insulting adjectives is “basic. ” But maybe it was time go back to the basics: Don’t fight. Don’t call people names. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Love the people who love you. Don’t pay too much attention to the people who don’t. And when in doubt, be kind. You never regret kindness. That day, I decided to leave the drama to the costume department. After all, you can dress like a prom queen without acting like a high schooler, and you can live a very happy life if you stop looking for reasons to be upset. Real housewives might fight, but real queens fix each other’s crowns. #CarrieDragshaw _______________ Happy Fashion Week Today’s caption/picture combo was inspired by a “Dear Carrie” question. Link in bio for the full answer, and a bunch more, covering everything from first dates to lost friendships. Sending lots and lots of love

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Sep 6, 2018 at 4:59am PDT

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In life, sometimes when you look ahead, all you see is your past. Your future gets crowded with coulda woulda shouldas and maybe-next-time exes. As I stood in the market looking at a sea of foreign spices, I saw something sweet and familiar: Aidan. I couldn’t help but wonder: Inside every confident, forward-looking woman, was a part of her heart looking back wondering “What If?” Maybe life is like a crowded market in Abu Dhabi. It’s more than a little bazaar. You never know what you’re going to find, and there are so many paths it’s easy to get lost. But sometimes, if you have a perfectly cooked meal waiting for you at home, it’s best not to pick up anything at the market. Plus, New Yorkers travel with enough baggage already. Everyone loves adventure, but maybe life’s biggest adventure is loving someone so much you forget the old “What Ifs. ” After all, when one Dior closes, another opens. And the other could be Big. #CarrieDragshaw

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Mar 16, 2017 at 4:59am PDT

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It’s my birthday :) Last year I was alone at Il Cantinori, so this year I wanted to lighten up and have a lil’ silly fun. So please indulge me as we revisit the plotline when the politician wanted Carrie to pee on him. And thank you for everything - y’all make every day feel like a birthday. Her proposition, but I was still undecided. Most politicians want you to stop a leak, not take a leak. But this political wizz-kid wanted something very different from my ballot box. I couldn’t help but wonder: If I didn’t tinkle-tinkle on his little star, would our relationship end up in the toilet? Just when you think you’ve found the perfect guy, Tricky Dick asks you to unleash your Watergate. Urine trouble, Jackie O. But then I had a thought: Maybe fetishes are like family reunions. Everyone has their own, and if you really love someone, you join their party. Who knows, you might just have a piddle bit of fun. #CarrieDragshaw

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Jul 18, 2018 at 5:00am PDT

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Once upon a time, we went on dates to see if we wanted to have sex. Now we have sex to see if we want to go on dates. As I stood downtown waiting for a text from my Tinder match, I couldn’t help but wonder: Did we lose something when dating went digital? When we tossed flip phones for smart phones, did dating get dumb? Sure, we get more dates -- but are we becoming worse daters? After all, women used to get passionate love letters. Now, we get poorly lit dick pics. We’re drowning in a sea of “sup?” and “u up?” Generations before had time for romance. We don’t even have time for spelling. Was I the only one left who wanted to be woo’ed and not just screw’ed? As I reflected on the grind of Grindr, I had a thought: Maybe I wasn’t really upset with the world wide web, but more upset with my swirled up head—Validation from mindlessly matching. Connections who suddenly disconnected. Addicted to the process of finding a date but never invested enough to settle on one. Somewhere between judgmental and insecure, I was trapped. Maybe that’s why they call your phone a cell. Did I need to log off to break free, or could a new perspective take the sting out of Bumble and keep the door open on Hinge? Either way, maybe the most important lesson of all these new apps was nothing new at all: When you’re looking for your match, don’t lose sight of yoursel

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Mar 6, 2018 at 5:01am PST

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Life is full of labels. Dior, Chanel. Normal, Weird. Democrat, Republican. Masculine, Feminine. And life can be a little simpler if you just pick a side. As I stood searching for a cab, I had a thought: Maybe someone would pick me up if I was a little easier to understand. I couldn’t help but wonder: Even in the Big Apple, was it better to think INside the box? To smooth your edges to fit their expectations? Or are some of us just meant to mix colors? U-nited state with red & blue? After all, some of the best inventions started as contrasts: Prada Sport. Discount Luxury. Athleisure. Golden Doodles. Mermaids. Maybe life should be less about square pegs & round holes, and more about making your own shape. Defying category. Because the future is built by butch queens, femme daddies, modern families, strong women, sensitive men, chubby models, sexy feminists, nerdy athletes, driven stoners, friendly exes, lovable weirdos, and sissy little boys who turned their Superman cape into a skirt. I guess some girls aren't meant to fit inside categories. They're meant to break the rules, bust the boxes, burst their bubbles, and dare to live by love, not labels. #CarrieDragshaw

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Aug 29, 2017 at 4:58am PDT

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Today is my actual birthday! And unlike Carrie on her 35th, I have never in my entire life felt less alone. There's not a Thank You big enough to express how much it all means to me. Now here's Carrie. It can be scary to be alone with your thoughts. Table for one, Fettuccine Afraid-o. Dessert? No Sor-bae, just Tirami-so-lonely. As I sat dejected at my empty birthday party, I started thinking about thinking. Why was the voice inside our head so often negative? We beat ourselves up over imperfections, focus too much on our flaws, compare & despair with the ones who are already married, always skinny, also rich, or almost perfect. I couldn't help but wonder: Did I need to break up with the voice inside my head? If my inner monologue were a pasta at Il Cantinori, would I send it back for being cold and salty? That birthday I didn't make a wish, I made a promise: to love myself more. To make my inner voice less like an emotionally abusive boyfriend and more like a totally supportive best friend, or an optimistic grandma: building you up, encouraging you to try new things, reminding you how pretty you are without makeup and telling you to have that second slice of cake. Because life's your party and you can cry if you want to. . . but you can smile if you try to. So maybe alone isn't such a bad way to spend your birthday. After all, the most exciting, challenging, significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find a way to love yourself more—well that's the greatest birthday gift of all. #CarrieDragshaw

A post shared by Carrie Dragshaw (@dan_clay) on Jul 18, 2017 at 5:03am PDT


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